Small Saves: Fun Day

by | Aug 4, 2021

Small Saves: Fun Day

by | Aug 4, 2021

Hi everyone,

This week, I’d like to showcase my line of t-shirts for the growing online store, Small Saves Hockey Wear. If you like to wear hockey-themed shirts, please come by to check them out. Even if you’re not in the market to purchase, come on over to look at and enjoy all the cool artwork that I put on the shirts. Here is the store’s link.

There’s much, much more to come, so feel free to check back often.

Speaking of artwork, if you want/need a custom-designed logo, illustrations for a book, T-shirt art, corporate slogan, feel free to reach out to me at

I want to thank all the fans who have inquired about and purchased the original Small Saves cartoons. Once they go through production and are syndicated out to all the media outlets, they are placed safely in my art closet. I always say that the artwork should be displayed and enjoyed. I’m happy to say that many are now hanging on walls of business offices, homes, rinks, employee lounges, rinks, and so on. I’m truly honored to see them framed with fans looking on. If there was a past cartoon you enjoyed and want to own the original, please feel free to reach out to me.

Not to sound like a salesman on TV, but I’ve had requests for certain Small Saves cartoons, only to inform them that it was already sold. I know the holidays are a way’s off, but once a buyer scoops it, it’s gone. Because it is an original, there’s only one of each.

Here is my eBay page. Here, you’ll find just a few. There are 100’s of them in my possession.

Feel free to drop by to see all the books, shirts, cartoons, Youtube Videos, and so much more at

See everyone next week.

Jay …and Small Saves!

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